The Evolution of a Quilt and Free Paper Piecing Template

As I have mentioned previously, rarely do I follow a pattern as written. There must be something haywire in my brain, but I just can't seem to do it. Modifications happen regularly.

Last fall, a paper-pieced, tree quilt caught my eye. It was made with rows of triangles, each row having a few less to create a larger triangle tree shape. I knew it would work perfectly for the small stash of green scraps I had.

After drawing out some paper foundations, I set to work. And after three rows, decided I didn't like making it. Sigh.

I let it sit for awhile. Then one day while reading a library book of paper-pieced patterns, I found a star pattern that caught my eye, but was a little too complex. After some experimenting on paper, I was able to re-create a version with less points.

I figured out some measurements and realized I could incorporate the three lines of pieced triangles, with two of the stars, to create a modern Christmas themed quilt. And that is what I did.

It was a close call to have enough fabric to make the stars. I really had to think about fitting the smaller size points on smaller fabric, while still alternating fabrics, but it all worked in the end.

The one part of paper piecing that I really like is the accuracy of the "joints" - things fit together almost perfectly!

My Clover mini-iron was a real help with the triangles, but didn't work as well with the larger star points.

The stars didn't look that great attached directly to the triangle strips, so I added some sashing in between.


By early December, I had it all pieced together. And then it sat. I knew I needed to add quilting lines, but I wasn't sure what to do. In my next post, I'll show how I ended up quilting it.

Here is a link to the paper foundation for the triangles.
